Day2 - Winslow, AZ to Farmington, NM

Where's the corner?

Oh, here it is! (The corner)

My favorite angle of the corner.
Hangin' with Willie

Dinosaurs are roaming everywhere along Route 66 in AZ.

Clouds for Randy

Pretty rock tree

Wow, Really pretty rock tree

Rock trees in the natural

the famous rear view

Fun roads become dangerous when the driver wants to gawk at the landscape too.

How did that red color stripe get in there?

Wow, just wow.

Disappointed to find that the Hubbell Trading Post NHS was closed - no reason or warning??? 
Sometimes we ride 100's of miles to visit these parks :(
We took our selfie anyway...we were here to trade but they were not!

This guy was apparently supposed to spread the word

The place where two fell off...

The sun had a little fun with this scenic shadow.

It even caught Ryan getting the lead out!  lol

This was a second failed attempt to make it to Four Corners.  We arrived at 10 'til 7pm (due to time change)...turned away...Hopefully 3rd time is a charm!


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