Yuma to San Diego - Sandstorm and Cabrillo

Leaving Yuma, we headed up to see Salton City, CA, but we got caught in a nasty sand blasting wind storm that we were not dressed for, or enjoyed by any means.  Once we got clear we opted to take the interstate in hope that we could avoid any further encounters with airborn sand for this trip.  We arrived in San Diego with only minor injuries but high spirits. 

Dips Ahead!

The exact erosion pattern was unique.

Imperial Sand dunes was a huge sand rail playground that lasted for miles!

And miles!

Even backwards...

With the right tire and tire pressures, you can do it too! 

Just add water and everything grows, not just Chia's.

Should have known, but do now.

Bad storm?

You can't see it, but I was holding the bike at a 45* angle at several points just to be able to keep from getting blown over

I am crooked on the bike trying to off set the wind coming hard from the left.

It took too long to realize a camper or large truck made for a good wind break. 
Should have got on CB and made a friend...

Finally reached our via point.

Realized this is a run down stinky hole in the CA wall. 

Shannon's leg was bleeding from the fresh sand blast.  I feel really bad :(

Back to the hole....

Really, it sucked and stank, but we needed a break.

This was beach front by a boat launch.  It said no trespassing,
but for some reason, not for sale.... Oh wait, nobody would buy it

Sand coming

No sand coming

A little bit of paradise overrun but a bit of brawl.

Nice to see a few good trees and vegetation

But the buck stops there.  Really cheap retirement, but I saying no.

Oh joy, more sand and only one road.
And finally in SD back to the NP scene Ahhhh... lol

What a view!

San Diego city scape

Nice place to live

Don't you just want to give that heart a hug?  (Don't do it!)

Neat lighthouse

Very nice Veteran Memorial Cemetery Outside Point Loma.   

Just might be the best place to be laid to rest, if you have to be.


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