Day 13 Nez Perce Lolo Pass

We had to put on some miles to get to this park.  It was an American Indian based park, not much to see, but I still feel bad how the Indians were mistreated and removed forcibly from their land.


Real nice riding along the river on 12

The gold is wheat fields, they did some amazing hillside and hilltop farming in these hills.

Northwest Passage Scenic Byway.  Poor Shannon only get's one shot at most pictures and she deletes 100's because I don't stop, we would never get anywhere!  Once we retire I'll turn around and give her a 2nd chance on the picture. :)

Lots of other riders, and many of them really knew how to ride!

Hey, there's Southern Draw, Mark, Jason and their mates! 

You know you're getting north when you see the moose signs

It's amazing that burnt land can be so awesome looking.

Just another beautiful nightfall!


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