Galveston to South Padre Island


There was  huge statue honoring Stephen Austin - our friend Google offered that he is the "Father of Texas" and colonialized the region.

There were fields upon fields of these plants...unsure what they were the other Google, Ryan, offered that they were Sorgum plants.  He pulled that one from REALLL deep...he later googled it and confirmed that he was right all along!! 

They named these port-a-john's after Skid

Oil rigs off the coast.
5th and Final ferry ride of the trip - we had to be "touching" the bike at all times.

First thought was Santa was hitchhiking ...later realized that he was being held hostage and we did nothing about it!!  lol
We followed the birding trail along the coast through each state we were in. Interesting that the birds follow the same roads!

It's on the birds' GPS too...they flew along the roads, bridges, shorelines, ferry paths everywhere we went.  Not often did they take an alternate course.   

South Padre Island lighthouse under construction

Some serious sand castle building down here!

Saying Aloha to our last beach until we get home.

Safety Shoes in the Sand.

Ryan grew up in Pompano, FL...a fitting cross roads.

We've passed many Whataburgers...finally stopped to check out all the hype.  They were ok...but not In N Out!

Gotta love Shadow-shots!


Our last beach selfie


They consider the loop to be a 2hr trip so it was closed off when we arrive an hour before closing. We opted to watch the video instead.


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