Savannah NWR to St. Augustine


 We noticed on the map that we were staying right next to the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge so thought we'd check it out before our first park opened.  It turns out to be a decision that would change the rest of our trip.  We discovered that the NWR's have their own passport to collect stamps from the approx. 800 NWR locations across the country.  We've been to some but never realized they too had a passport program.  Not only were we excited about the new passport opportunity, but this NWR had an awesome nature drive. We got to see lots of birds, gators and vegetation.

Airing out his wings.

A protective mother...keeping an eye on us.

Found out that Fort Pulaski was closed due to Tornado damage a couple months ago. We could see the fort in the distance but no one, including the rangers, were permitted across the bridge or into the visitors center.  This means no passport stamp today!

Some of the visitors center damage.


This was a neat area to drive through.  Tree covered roads.

A Very Old Taco Bell sign.  Didn't realize they could still use these old signs.

The holes are for turtle crossing the bridges.




We visited Fort Caroline back in 2009...before we started taking selfies at all of the signs. Since it was on our way to A1A we thought we'd stop by.



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