Merritt Island and Palm Bay with Susan and Joe

Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge
Meritt Island is another awesome National Wildlife Refuge.  The water was so calm it provided some neat reflection pictures of birds and trees in the area. 


I love his legs!

Roseate Spoonbills

Shaking off after going under for a bite.


Turkey Vulture

So many fun signs along the way. Here are a couple.
Drinks at Lou's Blue's with Susan and Joe - a pretty cool place.

Susan led us on a nice ride of the area...thought nice neighborhoods along the coast.  We later had dinner in a landlocked boat on the beach.

Joe took up the rear

I took a photo of this bike because of the custom speakers built that are taking up precious saddle bag room. The owner of the bike blew by us at over 100mph going down the road.



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